Legal Fee & Stamp Duty Calculator

This legal fee calculator is based on the Solicitors' Remuneration Order 2023

Please contact us for an official quotation as we need to calculate the Real Property Gains Tax, Stamp Duty Exemption and etc. 

Stamp Duty Calculator

Property Value (RM):
Total Stamp Duty Payable (RM):

Stamp Duty Loan Calculator

Loan Amount (RM):
Total Stamp Duty Payable (RM):

Note: The above formula (Loan Sum x 0.5%) provides estimated stamp duty. The actual stamp duty will be rounded up according to the Stamp Act.

Home Loan Calculator

Total Purchase Price (RM):
Margin of Finance (%):
Total Loan Amount (RM):
Interest Rate (%):
Loan Tenure (years):
Monthly Installment (RM):


This Legal Fee & Stamp Duty Calculator was made with every effort to ensure its accuracy, and the user should always check back with its solicitor for the correctness of the calculations, contents, information and/or data. There shall be no liability to be borne by the Firm in the event that you have failed to verify the number with a Malaysian Based advocate and solicitor for its accuracy. 
